2017년 5월 16일 화요일

ReviseㅡㅡㅡRobots and humans living 2050

Robots and humans living in 2050


20160100 Hyo Jin Cho


Are people satisfied with their current technology or wanted they to have more progress?

They don’t satisfy and want to live comfortably to the end to fill comfortable, we must create new ideas.

When we develop technology, many things will be change and bring usability to life in 2050.

Among the recent issue which robot and human’s relationship will receive attention.

In 2016, the Korean 'go' players Se Dol Iee and AlphaGo matches brought about an issue of artificial intelligence in the future.

Through competition between robot versed human’s race and movie Her, is expected to increase communication with artificial intelligence.

In 2050 year, robot and humans’ love will be approach.


In modern society, sns was developed and communicated with emotions through cyber space.        

Through various meaning people can share feeling and love.

As a movie ‘Her’, loving with artificial intelligence is also a communication with operating system.

The way to love is to be free.

The main character in movie felt lonely despite having a job of conveying the heart of others.

Through the artificial intelligence system, he overcame his lonely life.

He regained his happiness through his artificial intelligence operating system, which listen carefully and understand.

Communication is possible even though it is not in same place.

While communicating with artificial intelligence they can feel emotions but they can’t see.

They can feel happy about feeling time.

There is an example of love that is far away.

Those who love overseas are listening to voice through their phone.


Another thing is expected to be emerging is flying shoes.

When we move to places, we use the means of transportation.

In the future we will put on the shoes, that is appeared in cartoon atom.

That shoes is a way spray gas injection jet.

Above the shoes appeared to block the heat to burn the intense heat technology development is important.

Technology is need. Acceleration sensor is that can be balance in the air.

Finally the gap between the rich and the poor is the same problem.

Welfare policy is better than now also people will be competing.

In adaptation knowledge is necessary to bring new ideas and to work out.

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About Me

  Hello, my name is Hyo Jin Cho and I am 21 years old.  I'm a sophomore in BUFS, majoring in English. Now I'm living in alone...